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Kitten losing weight at two weeks -

21-12-2016 à 13:03:18
Kitten losing weight at two weeks
Thank you for this post and thank you everyone for sharing your experiences. Love to you both and to all those who have found their way here. Thanks for the opportunity to grieve with you and maybe bring answers to your questions. I will be with you in spirit, sharing your joy. And now, I can think of George and smile and, Kowhai, well, he is so happy he wags his tail in his sleep. She was my first dog (my heart dog) and our first dog as a couple. I was there when she was born, I could not be there when she passed. To all others who have mourned the loss of a pet and wonder about getting another, please think of me. We saved him, as a puppy, he saved mine time and time again. Try to take it easy and not blame yourself. The years were catching up to you, and you knew the day was coming soon. She is Maxine and she reminds me that I am still alive and have so much more to give to another loving animal. One on her back front leg that was getting bigger bleeding and oozing stuff. We did seminars, the Great American Teach In, to educate people on the function of a Service Dog. Your experience strikes such a nerve with me. Hi Virginia, So sorry about the loss of your dog. That is what I know and that is why I had to do what she needed me to do. I lost my GSD girl unexpectedly to an inoperable tumor on her spine over the past holiday season. As a senior dog he had stiff hips and the occasional ache or pain. , We were thankfully spared that agonizing decision. But even three months later, I am caught off-guard by the sunami of grief that sneaks up on me regularly, for the bond I shared with my lost love. The feeling was overwhelming for me when she had passed. Should I wait till the grand kids can say goodbye. May God Bless all of us who have lost our beloved pets who are in Heaven now. They feel on love with a little cocker spanial. He was a beagle and they are so much different than a sheltie. Thank you very much for your comment, I really appreciate your kind words. Remember them for all the things they taught you, and if you have that much devotion and love going unused, get another dog and make their lives as good as you did for the friend you have lost. Losing her felt like losing a childhood friend who had helped me grow up. It took me over a year to adopt another, but a friend of mine lost his mastiff and brought another one home only days later. Also, She was a pup in distress with some normal puppy ailments living in a foster situation. I am so sorry for your lost and thank you for sharing your story. We hung up the phone and with tears in their eyed asked what are we going to do and I said get the puppy. I recently (well, 2 years ago) got a Briard pup who was handicapped with hydrocephalus, and he began struggling in the arms of the man who delivered him to me when he was still six or eight feet from the car. In january 2014, we made the difficult decision to put him to sleep, as he had cancer, and putting him through an incredibly risky surgery at his age would have been unnessecary. We lost our beloved Heidi who was a little over 16 years old. I guess that is why I hurt so much I took care of her than had to give her to someone else. I know all seems hopeless right now but it will get better with a bit more time. Remember. She had the worst kind of GVD which was neurological. I lost everything in Sandy and then lost my two dogs soon after. My little nieces and nephew still go and say hello to her when they visit. I stumbled across this post during a sleepless night struggling to make sense of the very very recent loss of my 16 month old Rhodesisn Ridgeback. I know all too well the pain of losing a beloved dog as we lost ours just two weeks ago. When I came to take her home after 4 days at the vets away from our home, she was so happy to get to her bed and lay down. It has been some of the worst days of my life when we lost them (first dog at six to cancer, second dog at four to complications from surgery and having epilepsy, current pup is almost six). But by all means, do get another one when the time is right. The bond a human being can have with their pet can honestly be inseparable. My grandson and granddaughters dog got hit and killed at my grandsons 10th birthday party. Only those who have had children and suffer pet losses can answer that question perhaps. She sounded like an amazing soul that gave you so much back. We suffered no such loss and yet had the luck of a long and prosperous life of a dog. He had slept the last night up on my pillow with his head nuzzled into my neck. I had rescued him from the pound as a disabled (had only three legs) dog. I wish you Randy and everyone else who reads these posts all the best. This seems a bit soon to get another dog. I told him i loved him daily, and spoilt him rotten. We waited a year before we got our next dog, our weimaraner Wendy. I can talk about her death at the age of 6 but the fact is I have to find a place to put the sorry I feel and carry everywhere I go. I have a special memory regarding the death of my beloved Blue Chow Chow Misty. Each dog is never the same as the last, and in quieter moments I miss them all, especially Eowyn, my last. After all those years of care i feel that i let her down at the very end, knowing she was feeling very sick today, but i left to do some things. I am glad she said goodbye, however it still hurt and even though it has been 8 years since she left me it still hurts to write this. We have a 5 year old Beagle with Epilepsy, a Dachsund-Chihuahua mix to keep her company, 3 indoor cats and a slew of outdoor cats who I provide outdoor shelter from the cold and food everyday. I believe this article,not one second or one minute or a week and the 5 months that have passed have gotten better. I never regretted getting another dog, but I would not have had it not been for my husband, and look at all the joy I would have missed and maybe I would have died when he helped me stand, steady myself and calmed me when my PTSD kicked in. Their loss was heartbreaking and felt a long time after they had passed, so I understand the grief you feel. That photo of her reminds me so much of our little blue eyed Tybee. My family had a full blood German Shepherd dog, since I was a child. It sounds like you have great support from the people in your life. God Bless. We found Carrey lying unresponsive on the back porch. For all those pet parents that have recently lost their fur babies, I pray for peace for all of you as well as myself. My thoughts are with you, andI wish you well when the time comes. 5 year old rescue who we renamed Kowhai which means yellow in Maori. Then 4 years later, to the day, Rocky died as well. We told the children the next day that she passed away peacefully in her sleep and they are devastated. No one on this earth can foresee the future. My corgi Oliver, which I can say was my once-in-a-lifetime friend, passed away last Sunday, March 16th from getting into a zip lock bag of food that I thought was thrown away. I can still hear her collar rattling around on her fluffy neck. My first pet and I never knew or understood the love for animals. And over time, especially if its the same breed, it will seem like the same dog. The following speaks my heart so much better that I. Does really help reading some of these posts. I still have his brother who is mourning as I am. To say we were devastated is putting it mildly we fell apart. But let me tell you, this decision has not made life easier, for who do you confide in now. The sheriff was great and assured me they would check this woman out. Sorry about your loss, my husband and i had a beautiful Maltese, her name was Molly, she was our little princess, we treated her like she was our child not a pet. It was in there that we learned that she indeed is suffering from bloat and the only treatment to reverse it was invasive surgery to untwist her stomach. They moved with to new cities and sometimes were my only friends. He had looked up at me and miaowed so I have him a little extra which was unusual for both of us. Take care. Now the sadness is mixed with happiness for having known their love and devotion. Finally, I decided to bury her in my yard, so that we could be close. This became infected and I knew it was just to much for her. Seven or eight months later we got a white lab puppy for Christmas, and I was excited. The verdict was a soft tissue sarcoma (cancer) in his throat, pressing against his saliva glands. I miss him. I believe our canine companions make us become the person we always hoped we would me like magic. Now we are about to embark on the next phase. She went from 8 to 4 pounds and I was worried she would break her leg, so I soaked, put ointment on, and socks or I carried her when she could not walk. I was horrified, but it seemed to really give both my mother and my grandfather solace. Throughout my entire life I only saw him shed tears twice, When my mother packed up suddenly and left the family and again when we had to have our 12 year old Great Dane put down. My boyfriend and I just recently lost a mini Australian Shepard 1 year old. A month after we lost him, we took in 2 new dogs that a friend of ours was unable to look after and was going to surrender to the pound. They will look like other litters born in past, blk and silve in color. My mother said we needed time to mourn before even thinking about another cat. She passed away the day before I delivered my fist child, my now 8 year old son as I have said in an earlier post. I know two people who lost their dogs this year and in both cases, they got a new one almost immediately, within a few weeks. Her last 5 months of life were filled with misery and hope for her, but to no avail. How do you pick up the pieces and move on. The day after he died I started work at a new job. This was 4 years ago and I bawling writing about it. I have lived with at least one dog most of my life. The last thing she did was open her Christmas gift as she loved to open boxes, the bigger the better. He had been with us for 17 years, was senile, going blind and deteriorating quickly, now. I just lost my beloved Rosie four days ago. Fammiy. We have done the staggering pets thing as well. After my dog of 15 years died, there was a hole in my life. I see him on the desk watching me come to the front door and home, expect him to snuggle with me at night, and deliriously wag his tail and lick my face raw. We waited about a year, and got the same kind of dog (breed, sex, and color). He revealed Himself to me in many things that came in quick succession. But each one still lives in my heart and I am a better person for having known their little wagging tail smiles. So used to hearing her snoring by the bed I guess. I hope that now, 3 months on, things are easier for you Virginia. Thank you so much for sharing your story, your research and your sorrow. She died beside us in bed at the age of 12. Grief is a natural process and is the mind and souls way of releasing the pain felt after loss of a love. It surely is a loss not everyone can relate to. Reading this post, and all of the comments, helps enormously. He has cancer of the anal gland and lymph nodes. When I wash graduate school, my family cat of 18 years passed away. Despite the pain, we will get another dog. Somehow, this kind of thinking helps me switch from grieving mode into planning mode. I talked to you one last time and said something I may never have said. But seeing her presence in the hospital room that morning before my son came out was one of the most precious moments in my life. He was under the care of our vet who we trusted fully. Our dog was part of who we are, we body mapped our lives with him. She has been by my side many years of trouble, and her love held me up 14 years. The one that we were going to teach ended up teaching us. Please take care of yourself, and love that other puppy as much as you can. Tonight I went to work, and Karen went to her mum and dads. My husband found his body on the far lane of a bordering busy street. I have 2 cats that she got along with great. The pain will decrease over time, but it will never fully heal. Our family all live away, so she was our little girl who filled that void. I am so sorry for the loss of your dear puppy ands I am glad that your friends and family have been supportive- this makes such a difference. I took him home so the family could say goodbye. As this was my first experience with losing a pet, I would not have known when or if the time would come to get another dog, but that choice was thankfully removed from our hands. She accepted our children without jealousy when others told us she would hurt them. I cry as I type it and it happened 12 years ago. I cried more when he died than I did for my parents. We can only emphasize that you are not alone. Her feet seldom touched the ground because someone was always holding her, loving her, even my husband who is not normally like that had her on his lap when he was watching TV. I have been getting calls and texts from all of my friends and those that are only acquaintances consoling me in my hours of grief. I think the shock of losing an animal in an accident changes the grief as well. Folks learn about this disease and pass along to other dog owners. What do I do now I cry all the time and miss her so much-She was my soul mate and best friend. I know only too well, the gut wrenching pain that will come when she leaves me. When you stop seeing your new pet as a replacement to fill the gap your ready. Their lives were well lived as was mine for having known them. Early the next morning I picked them up and we looked at puppies. I had never had a small dog, then a few years ago, I received a rescued chihuahua. He is going to leave a huge hole in my heart. I cannot compare their love for me to those dogs I have lost and my love for them can not be compared to the love I have given to those 4. Even having had 15 years of her life it was still a situation of mourning for the loss as we had to put her down because of illness. It will take another place in your heart because love just multiplies. We had a choice about when to put him down, and although that decision was wrenching, we got to make it and had time to think of it as the last, best thing we could do for him. I was on this blog about a month ago asking what to do and which puppy to pick out. Fostering is a little heartbreaking, but also heartwarming. We cleaned her up and she would be fine for a while. A mad scrabbling of paws, legs and ears as the almost cartoon like dog tried to get traction flew across the room into Johannes surprised arms. I loved her, I still love her, more than words can adequately express. I once read that there is a high amount of people that have experienced near death experiences report having being reunited with a lost pet from some point in their lives. It will get easier as time goes on Maria, but it will never fully leave. Enjoyed your article and am now convinced that it is time to get another dog. I waited for six months before getting another GSD puppy. We still had Reugar to help us through it. For the next 9 mos. I lost my beloved Benji, a fun loving miniature poodle on January 16, 2004. My beautiful chocolate lab had just completed her over a year of training and certifications. Joanne could not take sally out for a walk as the kids always played up and was busy looking after my medical needs. We called him Johnjo and he will never be Paddy but we love him with all our heart and were meant to save this little man who has done wonders to help us cope with the loss of Paddy. He had hip displaysia (really bad) and would have had to stay on meds to keep him from being in so much pain. But a different dog is far superior to no dog. Each had their own quirky traits and personalities but all were loyal, loving, and always a part of my heart. Having brought this dog into our relationship, I took his death much harder than my husband, whose dog we lost five years previously. We hurried around calling and then in the distance we heard gun shots, howling, and they never came back. I cried in public everywhere for at least two weeks, and had problems sleeping at night. She almost died several times of malnutrition and sickness. After several tests, three opinions and a visit to a cancer center we found that his future is short. I have lost animals after illness or in old age and although it has been devastating the grief is softened somewhat by the knowledge that at last they are not suffering. So it was that about 14 months after losing my previous girl I again found myself sitting on the floor of a surgery talking gently and cradling my dogs head as she peacefully slipped away. I just wrote a post referencing your article and our own experience with grief, as well as adopting another dog in our lives. She was an incredible athlete and loved us so much. Recently, was going through some scary things and needed Him. When our dog Newman was diagnosed with a brain tumor, my wife and I had two more great years to enjoy his company and gradually adjust to the inevitable. Thank you for letting me have a voice. Our angel grew her dog wings peacefully that night, while in the arms of her loving daddy. I work, I function, I laugh, but this is a deep wound. Thank you for sharing with us about your loss. This happened 40 years ago and I still remember the date and exactly what my brother said to me when he came to give me the news. But I trust that this was done in love and that I will understand one day. 4 days after the final diagnosis, he no longer wanted to eat, nor go for a walk, so i made the hardest decision of my life and put him to sleep. Finn brings us a lot of joy and makes us smile again. I felt so close to her and I miss her so much. I pray when the time comes for Layla to pass on, as well as our other beloved pets my children will be able to grieve openly and then be happy knowing their pets were loved by our family and had a beautiful home. Your sweet dogs knew you loved them very much and the wonderful memories you have of them, no one can take away. It just did not seem fair that I could do nothing to help our two girl pups. But later started getting growths smaller ones than a big one on her head that went up and down. He fought such a brave 16 month battle against Lymphoma. I think these and many other aspects of the bonds you form with them far outweigh the loss you feel when they leave. She was the youngest of our, at the time 4 dog. Well, that lasted fifteen seconds until I picked him up. Reading your post made me feel like I was reading my own thoughts in so many ways. But your kind thought has laid me less than six feet. Thank you for your thoughts and kind words. She had five courses of chemo, and surprisingly is still alive 15 months after her last chemo. I bred her to the No. At the time my second daughter had just marries and even though I still had 2 young children at home I was feeling the beginings of empty nest syndrome. She was my daughters first dog and her best friend (as well as mine) and as all you pet lovers know there is a bond between you and our pet (s) that cannot be replaced even with another animal. My snowy was almost 18 she became blind over a two year period after a rabi shot. But when you do, the pain is just as powerful. When I had to have my enormous ginger tabby cat euthanized (heart disease) I was a wreck. Having said all that, in the past when I have lost a beloved pet, I never hesitated to acquire or adopt a new one. We waited nearly ten years after the death of the last one, unwilling to go through that heartbreak again, but the pressure built. I just discovered she was ill a couple weeks ago and it all happened so fast. Obviously this wasnt the case, but i couldnt shake the feeling. She had a blockage in her intestine from eating toys an other inedible things we kept trying to keep from her. It has been a long road and far from over. There were no flights out that night when I found out how bad things were. Please tell your family and friends so that everyone knows and if they have the unfortunate diagnosis of bone cancer in one of their pets, they should really consider the trial. One reason why I wanted to post here is that I want everyone to know of this trial and what Penn Vet is doing to help dogs with bone cancer. He died on my chest while I was waiting for a call back from the vet to bring him in to euthanize him. And having two pets whether a dog and a cat or two dogs and two cats is also helpful. We sat and cried could not eat or go out for days it just devastated our life and Paddy will or can never be replaced. There is no substitution for the relationship we have with our pets. One of my friends made a stupid comment and I decided not to talk to her again until I felt better. Goodness knows that I need to grieve with someone too. I remembered that He walks every step with us, good or bad. My dog kept me grounded while I was unemployed and depressed. When I was in 10th grade, we unexpectedly had to put down our 7 year old golden retriever after a tumor burst in his stomach. Your grief may be a thing apart from what the rest of us know. I was so fearful, but hopeful, when we drove him down. When I got there she instantly calmed and I helped to keep her calm while they did the job of administering her treatment. All of my dogs have been and are their own unique characters. I noticed in your bio that you write about neuroscience and behavior. Of course, there is much to be said about mixed breed dogs. She was the soul of this family and in the past 2 years, her needs and care came first with all of us. But your animal knows that you love them and that gives them peace. Nikki, I will love you forever and I know I will see you again. Jemma passed a little over 4 years ago, and in September, I got my new dog: Boudica. Going over it or replaying that glance makes me cry, as I am now. Another reason is that we have room in our lives for a delightful creature to share our home with, and we have that surplus love to give readily. and finally breathe and play like you used to. She slept next to me on a lease so at her tug I could take her out every 3 hours. You will recall, Virginia, what is was like for me when we lost Glory. My dog was by my side through some very sad times in my life. While not a replacement, whichever pup you choose, I hope she helps you to heal. I just googled some info on losing a dog and found your post. It is not only hard to lose a beloved pet but even harder when they pass on without you. It was not what I expected to do when I took him to the vets. I planned to sit with her until she was going into surgery, rather than have them put her in some crate to wait alone. Even though she is a similar type of dog, her personality is so incredibly different from my first dog. You, man and woman, live so long, it is hard. That afternoon, Univ of Tenn Vet ophthalmology Dr. Almost 6 weeks to the day later, our little Libby Lu suddenly began to suffer severe and continuous seizures. We had also just been on holidays for a month and spent every day together, walking, playing, snuggling. Then to bring her little body home and bury her. I worried as she grew ill that I included her too much in our family as our girls always talked about Rosie as being in the family. But I will always remember the special something about each one. I feel sadness but also a strange sense of relief. The most important aspect to adopting a dog is that it fits your wants and needs. I was so worried that I was replacing our Dolly, but the worry was needless. Even using the most liberal criteria, none of the survey responders would meet criteria for PTSD, the study found. We took him to the vet and had her end his pain. It took me 2 years to find the right one that time. But Patch and Jemma, my childhood dogs, changed it all. A few years ago researchers in Hawaii surveyed 106 people while visiting the waiting room of a veterinary clinic about their experiences as pet owners. I told you I loved you and meant it with all my heart. The sad day came when my little old man developed pituitary adrenal failure and I had to have him euthanized. I was looking in his eyes when he took his last breath. A neighbor and came out to help them after calling the police. She was one pound and two months old when I received her. It sounds like you gave Benji a wonderful home and family. Hope it helps you through the tough spots. Getting both would be an amazing training experience. My husband and son in law brought them home and we buried them together. However, he assured me she was in good health and it would be better to have the surgery at this time than to put her through it at an older age. On Friday, March 21st, my husband and I said goodbye to our angel Sasha. Your tears will lessen with time and and getting another dog so soon after this happened will increase your pain. I suggest you wait awhile before getting another puppy. I asked the doc if it was ok to give him the final dose I had and he said sure. He ran out the house and headed to a busy highway. He was deeply loved and we got 9 months with him before we had to put him down. I have asked our minister whether dogs go to heaven. So is learning to love again, even those who remind us, sometimes uncomfortably, of those whom we have lost. If it is immediate, then it will be, if it is 6 months. I had never been a pet or dog person until I got a little black Peek a Pooh for my daughter shortly after I married the 2nd time in 1988. This Sunday I shall parade and brief him, ensure he knows his terms of reference, and show him his new bed, toys, and best place to sit at the back door where that fat pigeon has been taking liberties in our garden. So sorry about your sweet little Codie girl. She died within two weeks of a rare autoimmune disease. I actually still call out to her on some days. This Friday on May 9 th I am picking up my little gsd pup Maxine. By destroying yourself over it, you undo everything they strove to achieve-your happiness. He is not Paddy who we talk about every day but he is loved as much and for the few weeks we have him he has brought so much joy and has helped us heal from our broken hearts. It was awful and wonderful all at the same time. I came across your wonderful article because of my need to read about how to deal with the loss of a pet. He saw me through some of the worst moments of my life. But my husband and I have too much love to give needy dogs to keep that loved bottled up for long. You see, I was consumed with grief over the fact that she had spent the last moments of her life terrified and in pain. I came back to read my original post and your reply. Here you find others that have lost a family member. Unfortunately, when the younger one died upon meeting a car it was absolutely devastating. Last Wednesday, January 15, we lost our very sweet girl, our weimaraner Wendy, suddenly from bloat. She died a few hours later on the operating table. Earlier this year, Mandy was euthanized for a terminal ailment. Take care of yourself, and GOD bless you. Now, coming up on the second anniversary of her death, I no longer cry daily, but at least once a week. She passed the day before I delivered our son. Almost 6 weeks to the day later, our beloved Libby Lu was suddenly taken ill and could not be helped, and we had to let her go. The breeder did say both have great temperaments and that the one who came to me is more laid back. I was admitted into the hospital to deliver our son, and this news made me happy because I was still reeling from the death of my beloved dog. She was under the care of UC Davis and died peacefully while she was sleeping. I put myself in her position and realised I would not wish to be unable to do anything. She broke down the gate and took off with the two 16 mo old puppies in pursuit. We grieve with you, your sweet and dear dog is in the special place in Heaven reserved for such precious earthly creatures. We flipped through old text messages for the dozens of photos and videos of him we had sent to each other. We liked her breed so much, we thought that would be the type we would want, but we also know whatever we decide to do there are no comparisons to the one we lost, as its not fair to Heidi, nor to a new dog. But fortunately, I think its becoming more acceptable to acknowledge that the fuzzy faces play such an important role in our lives, and give us great happiness and comfort. She was only ten and had been her playful self when I left for work. My boyfriend is already trying to adopt another dog to keep me and our cat company when I am alone at home, she is a 3 year old black lab who is a total sweetheart and matches our lifestyle, and as bittersweet as this sounds I cannot wait to spend time with her. My heart goes out to you and your husband. We made the right call, and saved her much pain. The new dog would never be the same: Even if the same breed, it would no doubt have a different personality, quirks, abilities. The night before, I was very beside myself with worry, but kept telling myself I was being ridiculous and that everything would be okay. They were handfulls, but we got along and eventually they went the way of all life. My wife and I started him with puppy training that soon led to more obedience classes and therapy dog training. My parents surprised me with her for my birthday when I turned 16. Not trying to be mean or blaming—just hoping something constructive can come of a terrible and preventable event. pups were struck by a drunk driver who was speeding, hit them and left our poor babies in the middle of the road. Every night your lamplight lies on my place. Over the next 4 years he had 3 more, but because I was paranoid about lumps after the first one, i found them all very early in their formation, and surgery got them all with clear margins. The other that my family seems to all love is great too but she did not want to leave the breeders side. In both instances, we rescued new dogs less than a month later. She said that he may not even survive the tests. Try to focus on the positive things in your life. So I am applying for another service dog. He said her Tracheal Collapse was as bad as it was going to get and it would be merciful to put her down that day. However, my instinct told me that if I were to get another dog quickly, that would be an attempt to replace her, and in a way felt disrespectful to her. It took me another 2 years for the kids and I to talk my husband into another puppy. We decided that with so many dogs in need of rescue that it was the right thing to do to take another pup in to our home. We cried, we moaned, we wailed, and we said never again. Did you ever find out anything about the murderer. Second, it will not replace your deceased dog, but it will fill-up the hole in your heart and life that he his departure left behind. I will lose a piece of my heart, and for all that, it has been my privilage to be her daddy. It is very moving reading all these comments. Second, I was given a dog as my second Christmas present. She was 13. Expected a clean bill of health as he is slim and trim. At 30, Georgia-Ruth came blasting into my life with the joy and enthusiasm I needed to re-engage with living. I still regret not getting down on the floor with her when she woke up. But the place of Sugar and Sam is still empty and always will be. You will not have the energy to give this new puppy all of yourself right now. You see we moved abroad and he settled us in my husband,son and myself he was a ball of black fur with black eyes so cute. The vet gave me 3 things of meds I gave him one at 9. Digging into this research has helped me understand the value of having a dog, and more fully appreciate the bond I had — and apparently still have — with the one I lost. As I sit typing this, Lily, our 8 year old Bombay cat is sitting on my knee, purring and patting my hand and arm. Spending so much time trying to help her heal changed me. There is a tangible lack of atmosphere, especially at night. Reg that was beautiful. I spent every waking moment of the month she was missing driving, looking, hanging posters, talking to people. But there will be another. He got very sick while I was out of town. He is really are so good for everyone in the family and we just love him so. My life is back on track now somewhat but I feel very numb after loosing him. Each student could submit photos for their slide with words of thanks to special loved ones. When we found out about her cancer, we did everything we possibly could to not only extend her life, but to ensure that extra time was as happy as possible. However, the company of the new little guy has gone a long way towards helping adjust, though we all are still dealing with it. I keep telling people, you do NOT pick your dog. It was a horrible accident, and the house feels so empty. Run with you in the evenings along the shore. Reading the posts on this site was a lifesaver. They are not the mark of weakness, but of power. I am still afraid that I might lose them anytime but every single time I see those 2 adorable dogs I forget every fear that I have. But at the sane time he had the sweetest temperment i have ever witnessed in a dog. She then struggled to walk later in those mad evenings with clicking joints. The new little guy has made his own place in our hearts, though the whole Libby left is still there, and always will be. She loved stuffed toys and never tore them up. To all those that have lost their extended family member, my condolences. I was never a puppy person she gave me that and so much more. So now I have Lady Sadie and Dallas Alice, and they have created their own place in my heart. I have loved them all deeply for the wonderful dogs that they were. I do remember coming home from school the day Muffin died. Under the ground like me your lives will appear. We had a trip abroad already booked, so we went away for three weeks, and we got a new kitten as soon as we got home, just a month after losing Hobbes. But there is no escaping it, it is a 10 years of joy, happiness and companionship for a couple of weeks of absolute misery. I hope you are coping with the loss of your boy. The month we looked for her gave me such empathy with parents of kidnapping victims. Then when it was time to leave she actually sat at my feet like a little soldier. Rest In Peace my precious little girl. Like a true soldier you were always ready for battle. As a result he is so excited about the puppy so he will be helping me more now and yes, I felt a bond looking at the photo but when I saw the dogs in person, the other puppy is the one that came over to me and put her head on my knee. It has been a week and my heart is still hurting so bad. I planned her home going 1 month before, and while on phone to vet she got up and began running around, smiling, saying not yet mom. I lost my mom last year and dealt with it much better than I dealt with the loss of Freddi a month ago. Jemma was pretty depressed for a a few weeks afterwards, but soldiered on for 4 more years. You stayed at your post all night long watching intently at every sound. Then I noticed her swollen belly, called the vet and rushed her to the animal ER immediately with my three children in two. I do hope you bring home another dog when you are ready to help complete your family again. I saved some of his hair from a brush and ordered a floating charm memory locket with dog charms and will put a lock of his hair in it. Thanks again for your post and sorry for your loss. The pain is still there but slowly ebbing away. We recently had our Precious put to sleep because of her age and poor health. 2013. I knew I had to call the doc at 7 AM and push up his final visit. The vets put her on Metacam for the pain. Get an electronic fence and collar and take the time to obedience train your dog. Vomiting, incontinent, blond, deaf, unable to settle down, pacing constantly and very distraught. This Thursday we will have the most ever for Thanksgiving, 23, as our extended family grows. I appreciate your concern, Ron, but you actually know nothing about the specifics of the situation. When she left I felt the void for a very long time afterward. My Boston Terrier was only 10 years old and died from a stroke. he went everywhere with me, and was always happy just being by my side, no matter what i was doing. It was the only time I saw her physically like that again. If it is something that your family will share, then I guess it would seem fair to consider their opinions. My husband learned about unconditional love and responsibility of caring for another vulnerable family member (Rosie). I too, said my goodbyes, having decided that my husband would be the one to stay with her during the process. He protected the family adamantly, as if he just knew that was his purpose, why we oiginally adopted him. When we got home he could no longer stand, eat or drink. It seems pretty logical that dog meant a lot to me as the only close connection I had. The same kind, the same color, the same markings. I knew she was dying, she was 13 years old and these types of dogs generally live 8 years, anyway she was funny about her bathroom habits. The house is so empty these last couple of days that I am itching to get another, yet at the same time, my grief for her is so deep. I have dealt with animals death a lot as has my husband (we are both veterinarians). Heidi was the best present a little kid could receive. We are only 2 weeks into the heartache and we still do not want to admit our Sunshine is gone. I lost my dog to cancer last May, three days after my birthday. I am going back to the same breeder. The buck was still there, as I bent down to pick-up George I felt his breath on my neck. Sadly, at 14, she developed cancer and I had to make the decision to euthanize her. I know I will someday find a more permanent home where I can have a dog. Bear was able to fill the void left by my husband. A tiny kitten, she sought me out, leaving her mother and fleeing some abusive neighbor kids. So she coped we coped. My 16 year old daughter is very reserved and quiet though brilliant and cares about nothing more then her grades and her Beagle. I had 2 dogs that lived to the ripe old age of 14. Just lost our 14 month old golden retriever pup. But. The vet said she would not survive an operation so keep it clean. I too have 3 little graves in my back yard that can be seen from our kitchen window. But as time went on I realized I missed having a dog, and was ready to get another one. It will always be there (obviously as I type here and tears are streaming 12 years later), but it will lessen. She was yelping squeaking and would not let me clean this one any longer but I did anyway. I cried my heart out daily for a good year. God has a plan for all of us, even pets too. Maybe we will meet one day, with our pets, across Rainbow Bridge. We lost our first dog, Damian a black Chow Chow, then we lost his mate, Sasha, another black Chow Chow, then we lost thier daughter, Misty a blue Chow Chow (this one hurt the most). She slept with our six year old for part of the night as she knew she was a bit afraid of sleeping alone and she got into trouble with our four year old that always led to getting Rosie cookies. My family of 4, me, my husband, daughter and granddaughter were there with him at the vet, but he had already started passing in my lap, so I was the only one in the room when the doctor administered only a small amount of medicine to help his little heart stop. I came to the conclusion that I had loved him too much. I can see their little tail wags and smiles whenever they come to mind. If I took him home could I have him for just a little bit longer. Having to justify the pain and sorrow to people makes our despair deeper. We rescued her and she rescued us and our aging cat that was going blind. I have four little ones buried out back that always reminds me og their love and loyalty. I still have her two grandchildren and we have grown closer over time. I now have another female Shepherd, Freyja, she was born at the end of the month I said goodbye to my last and I adopted her 8 weeks later. Fulfill your duty because you can and will be replaced. The sheer exuberance of puppies can heal a soul. of age. I am ever so sorry about the loss of your precious Sasha. We would come home sometimes and find her covered poo that she had done and slipped in. The thing that we changed was the gender not the breed because we adored this group. Our strategy is having more than one dog, with their ages being somewhat staggered. It never goes away but after months I can at least smile when I get a lump in my throat when I think of my dogs in doggie heaven. Your new pet will find you when the time is right. Knowing how many other dogs need fostering while looking for their forever homes, we decided to take on another foster, much sooner than we would have looked at getting another dog permanently. I recently lost our beloved dog of 13 years and reading this has been so helpful to me. They fit into our household and they are loved for various reasons. We agree with your findings but can document that the loss is singularly to each owner. Finally, after several years, he was taken to an animal shelter. A moment later she said it gain, he took one final breath and was gone. Thats a lovely message-my beautiful 14 year old cocker spanie Mollie has just passed away and I am in bits. I think I will always grieve over her loss but am hoping that when we get another puppy, it will remind me of all the joy that she has given us over the years. We gathered the children, told them that Wendy needed to stay at the hospital and asked them to hug and kiss her goodnight, not knowing that it would be the last time. I have to applaud you for writing this while dealing with your grief. Luckily our other dogs have helped to ease the pain, and it has been somewhat joyful to watch them develop some new traits and mannerisms since they lost their big brother (especially the ones which emulate things that our Samson used to do). My reaction was I will never get another dog and go through this again too much pain and heartache. I know the pain of losing a pet too well. Finally, having lost two dogs to old age and one to trauma, the latter is so much more difficult to process. It seems that some people are able to adopt another dog right away, some take longer. I cannot think about her without being gutted as if it had just happened. And a 55-year-old who was severely depressed for 18 months after the death of her 14-year-old poodle. You never showed weakness, brave and loyal to the end. No it was not my child but definately a family member. In early 2013 she struggled to get on the bed, sofa etc. She will be waiting for me at the Rainbow Bridge and we will play again. Having been thru this 4 times and about to go thru it in the near future, I empathize with your pain. But all the support I am receiving from my family and friends on FaceBook is helping. Patch was the family dog, but I had saved up for Jemma, picked her out, and trained her. We lost our beloved Mn Schnauzers last May. He used to always walk me to our shed and stand there (as if to protect me from some unseen harm) and when I walked to our 2 car garage type shed for the first time after he went home I fell apart again. I think part of the problem is the lack of, I dunno, presence, and my house needs a dog. Thank you for letting us know that the pain and grief will eventually subside and our hearts can indeed open up again to another. We did get another puppy, a different breed this time, we just could not stand the quiet home. She was fifteen years old and I got her as a puppy when I was at university. We got to the vet and she strutted in, joyfully greeting everyone. S. He was the most precious little pup and he was mine from the beginning till the recent end. He was a sweet, smart, goofy lab mix who loved every single thing he did. No one however will take Freds spot in our hearts. I have had 3 dogs in my life, and each time, the dog picked us. lives alone) had two old dogs, about 12 years old each. They have not replaced the originals and I felt so guilty in the beginning of getting 2 more, but found this saying which made me feel loads better. I am a dog person (I have 4 rescues) and I was sorry to hear of your loss, but I am happy to hear of your new companion. He was 7 years old) and this wonderful creature went home to GOD. I barely noticed, I was in a fog for so long. 5 years and the last 2 she had been battling Osteosarcoma. love, happiness that we can only dream of and that is wonderful enough. I quickly glanced back at my precious Moo and she was straining in his arms, glancing back at me. I lost my beautiful, once in a lifetime 9. By the time got to the scene their was no pulse. In that April she had cancerous growth removed from her ear, legs and back (and other places we did not authorize them to take from her). And the big dog grieves even more than we do. I cannot lie by your fire as I used to do. He was the life of our house, and it was just too quiet without him. Those last few months were a living hell, waiting for calls from the vet as they went through various tests and operations, always getting bad news. It is with that I smile in knowing we both shared that. The love you feel for them never goes away though. Now she is a loving, short-hair calico, small by most standards, very happy to cuddle and — you can tell — glad to have a welcoming home. Dogs and cats with owners, I am guessing, generally live long enough to succumb either to the ills of old age or to cancers or other terminal ailments. I got my darling Pug puppy at 4 mos. I asked Joanne if she was ready and opened the kitchen door. Those traits that we miss, are those which we are infatuated with. It was so sudden and unexpected, it took me a long time to get past the shock and now I am truly grieving. Another trip was arranged to a specialist Orthopaedic vet surgeon 300kms away in Sydney. We create a family and now our place feels empty. John, I have been wondering about the accident question, too. Only you know what you can and cannot do. He is buried in our garden and I sit with him every day for at least a few minutes, just to tell him I love him and miss him. If we, as life beings are energy, (not to sound too airy fairy), then the traits that we love and perceive lost, are conserved. old, she was old enough for the ring and I started showing her. Dogs are always glad to see you, get you out the house when your feeling low, will quietly sit with you and just take in your surroundings and be happy for just being. I wanted to be there, petting and comforting him, and telling him how thankful I was. Which was so difficult because even at the end, he was smiling and loving and seemed just happy to have us all around him. And my promise that we would soon be spending more time together was sadly not fulfilled. It was years after her death before I could think of her and not cry. A 15 year old female that gave so much to everyone, and a true part of our little family. After sharing what happened on Facebook, we received a flood of supportive messages, emails, and flower deliveries. His legacy seems to be, in part, at least, turning you into dog lovers, so it does seem that now you have to get another dog. The next was her successor and was only 10 months old. I cried for months, then one day I woke-up and decided I was lost without my dog. It reminded me of our Dixie whom we lost a couple of weeks ago. You had taught me the true relationship between a man and his dog. We lost our second dog just shy of three months ago. I showed the picture to my nephew, saying that would be one way to find out how our two would accept a chihuahua without actually being committed to adopt it. We lost our wonderful dog Morris in Feb. added to a long list of messages on grief. The last time a dog of mine died, I waited about 6 months for a new one. We called an emergency veterinary clinic, but they were an hour away, and basically said they would probably just put her down. Ps Hitler loved his dog, so he was the exception to the rule about being good. I even had to help bring her back to her kennel before going back to work. My parents had two dogs while I was growing up. My dog is almost 14 ( at the high end of her breed lifespan) and starting to evidence medical issues. Just a few blocks from the home both 16 mo. I fell in love with the excited puppy he was and the gently living giant he had grown into. Thank you so much for your comment Lynn I will keep that in mind. Eowyn now rests under the same shrub as her forebear, Skadi. You guarded those three little guys with your life. We decided not to have our sweet girl go through that much pain. We felt like that was him asking her if it was ok to stay. Then on Easter Sunday when she was visiting her sister and mother. Early this year he had a little bit of a cough, and was drooling a bit more than usual, so i took him to the vet thinking he had an infection of some sort. Even her vet said he never saw a bond like the one her and I shared. But the new little guy has done his best to help fill the void. I never understood that grief is so much more complicated when violence is involved. Grief resources specific to the loss of a pet And for other thoughts, a poem posted by Dr. I know at some point that my beagle is going to break my heart. Outside your window where firelight so often plays. I remember the fun she brought to my life and the first time I found out what it meant to have a pet just for you. And I do think that the traumatic suddenness of it is heartbreaking, and worse than loosing them from illness or end of life. Well cancer of the anal gland is VERY aggressive. You will go on and help each child fight their personal storms. I suppose the tiny size of her has evoked my most protective instincts. No matter what we decide to do in the future, we will never stop loving or missing our Heidi girl. She definitely knows that something is wrong and is sticking to us a lot. Tybee was just transitioning from puppy to dog and showing us her personality as she calmed down a bit. He died of cancer when he was about 2 and a half, and it left a gaping hole in our lives for a long time after. I thought she would just always be around. She made me grow-up to be a kind, empathic, responsible person. Ok to change the subject I am picking between two gsd puppies. My neighbor (man, 60 y. I hope you do feel like you can someday get another dog and share your obvious love with the best creatures who have ever lived. It was a few weeks before graduation when I noticed that Moo had a stinky discharge and noticed a bulge of flesh protruding from her vagina. Bear cared for me when I needed help I had a hard decision and I knew it would break my heart. I have spent thousands of hours and dollars working with her to make her tolerable to be around. and the only thing that will help to ease the pain will be a new dog. My husband and I met later in life, he a confirmed 45 year old bachelor who fell in love with the dog and then the girl (we actually joke about that). As weird as it may sound, I took her home, put her on my bed and laid next to her, sobbing until, exhausted, I fell asleep. She became totally dependent, but always made it to the litter box, ate her food looked forward to her walks. Take care and we hope all the memories you have of your dear friend and companion will help you through this very sad time. I lost her daughter unexpectedly 6 mos. He knows us, and knows our heart, and always welcomes us back with loving arms. But the reason I am writing now is because of what happened to my first cat many years ago. I can only say-look forward and put yourself through it again. he was a bright, energetic loving friend. The last few days of her life she developed a balance disorder. I decided to write it down and I hope you all enjoy. Two months after having our 17 year old big black cat, Magnus, put down, we realized we needed another cat in our lives. My husband was the one that stayed with her in the end. Seventy-five responders reported the loss of a pet and filled out a battery of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). They were with me for all of my adulthood. He is spoiled yet he has also spoiled us. She was technically my sons dog but since he was only 7 she seemed more like my dog since I was in charge of most of her care. To our good fortune that investment paid out in spades. Balius was my first dog, but was my husbands 3rd Ridgeback. Our girls are young four and six and have reassured me Rosie is with grandpa in heaven. As you said, you are now dog people thanks to your first dog. I have now had 3 dogs, None of whom were the dog I had in mind when I set out to get a dog. You are among friends here that know your pain. It helps to write about it plus if have never done this before. The loss is agony but the shock is muted. We can relate to your suggestion of mourning but believe that there is more at stake. They speak more eloquently than ten thousand tongues. But it is a process we get use to the new. My thoughts are with you both on the loss of your beloved boy. At Christmas she started to deteriorate, she pooed as she walked as she could not feel all her backend. I remember reading about an article on your dogs on the examiner. I ended up with PPD afterward and a large portion of that was because of her loss. When I got there, the other doctor told me she had died 10 minutes ago. We know the pain you are going through, as we are still going through the process. I find that it helps to read these posst. prior to Moo and was still trying to recover from that loss. I do believe that all of the years of companionship and unconditional love they give to us is certainly worth the grieving process in the end. Unfortunately my granddaughter told me when she feels like crying over dusty she just sucks it up. I still cry at the sound or sight of him name. People can be the very greatest of things. One morning, we were playing ball in the backyard when in an instant a white-tailed buck came charging out of the little bit of woods between my house and the subdivision behind us. I tell myself that when they died they went to sit on the lap of a child who died the same day. We re both so sad and so lonely without him. Joy Davis, As I posted earlier here, God led our next dog to us about 6 weeks before our middle dog died. ( breeder stated that she was her favorite). we have also been through loss with many. My heart still hurts and I am hoping that one day, just like you, we can open our hearts to another beloved dog. He is part of our family and we all love him deeply. Went to the vet tonight and he said the time has come. And to get another breed like her was completely out of the question. I am in agony, it is hell just walking in to the empty house. The minutes of happiness always outweigh the days of sadness. In the end, I just made her as comfortable as I could, and like so many times watching before while watching TV with our family, I put my head on her chest and stayed with her. At 6 mos. I have rescued 12 dogs so far during my life time. At the moment I am facing the future loss of my beautiful dog Bonnie who has been my heart dog since I first saw her as a puppy. There are people and dogs who need you and your love and who will love you. I think things have changed now, I hope so. I found out 7 weeks ago via a routine checkup. First, I am so sorry for the traumatic loss of your dog. I spent a lot of time looking at photos of Pug puppies, as my sister told me I needed to get another puppy, but I realized that no Pug puppy, no matter how darling, would ever measure up to my Moo and to me, it would have seemed like trying to replace her. And the pain is very hard and it hurts so much. How appropriate to wish you all a Happy Thanksgiving knowing that we are all thankful for the wonderful memories. It broke our hearts, he had advanced stages of hip displaysia (a common issue for purebred German Sheppard dogs) handed down from his father who also had to be put down at 8 years old with the same condition (he came from the Rin Tin Tin line and this was a real issue in this bloodline).

They were looking for a foster home for him for over Memorial Day Weekend as their normal fosters were going to be out of town. It was so hard to look into his beautiful eyes and say goodbye and that we love you when he closed his eyes forever. And now with my pups, I fear the day I will have to say goodbye to them too. I can only empathize with the torment of your lose because of the investment we had on the character of our dog, aka our first baby. But day by day, it gets a tiny bit easier. Someone commented that you get the same breed and pretty soon it will seem like the same dog. He changed his drinking habits, was drinking less and less. He was almost 12 years old, and had had three other bouts with cancer before. The only solace will come from another puppy. She was my first pet, that I was completely responsible for and her love was so fulfilling. I deliberated what to do, bury her at the family farm, cremate her and keep her ashes. In the meantime take joy in the pets around you. It took awhile but we finally found Gidget. But Lily once more brings joy into our lives, and her loud purr comments upon our days. I know many of you are having trouble dealing with this process, and we all react in differant ways when losing a pet. I lost one of my 2 pups a couple of days ago, he got ran over by a car. Her quality of life was much much better until Christmas last year. But, when we met them, they latched on to us and would not let us leave. She passed away last January 15, 2014 from bloat at almost 12 years. But as with you, the house was simply too empty without them. Hugs to all who going through the death of a beloved pet. Down the road, we may be ready and willing. I lost my girl Sasha of 13. He came home from work one day and one dog had passed away. This was very sad for the writer and for her dog. But I am extremely grateful that I waited until I fully grieved my old dog-and extremely grateful they look nothing alike. She loved those kids beyond words and they loved her unconditionally back. I want to get another pit bull since their need for homes is so great. My dog was killed instantly by a car and we live down a very quiet street. I trust that she was sending me a message that she was okay and that I needed a dog. It can be a quick death or in her case, months. Thanks so much for writing this wonderful piece. I was so sad when Patch and Jemma left, but it felt like they had done their job, fulfilled their purpose. I still miss him but we have a few dogs after his passing that have passed too. We were shocked to learn he has anal cancer. This girl meant (means) so much to me, to us. You are never too old to share your life, and heart, with a pet. We now have another sheltie, a puppy, who is quite different than our Randy but still has the sheltie character. First off let me say I am so sorry for your loss. I share your grief, as I lost a 4 year old lab last summer. 3 Pug in the country. Deep grief can stifle you and believe me I am still fighting all the grief that mounds up on you, especially when innocent animals are taken from our side. My own siblings never called to offer their condolences or even acknowledge her loss. Her teeth were going because she would not eat her dental bones and the vet said she would not survive he stress or pain, started peeing on herself at night and sometimes pooping she always bounced back but her dignity was going or gone. However, as we are in our late seventies, we have made the painful decision not to replace him, as we think it is unfair for a young friend to have to share his life with a couple of geriatrics. It was so hard on me to see her go through this, but I knew it was absolutely necessary to save her life. Loosing a friend such as our dogs is, in my opinion, the hardest thing ever. The years went by and you were as faithful and reliable as they come. She died when she was 17, and that was about 14 years ago. I still miss my Samson every day, I still cry all the time when I think of him. A little dog would get tired, living so long. We did everything together and I loved her so much and she loved me. They cried the rest of the day and night. I understand the pain you feel at the loss. Since then I have been in therapy and on medication to cope with what they say is PTSD. I have cried for each story I have read on this site thus far. Our first pet, of Golden Retriever breed, named Brandy, was our first baby. I felt like i had traded my Fred in, and gotten a dud in return. You and your dog are equally lucky having all those years together. Everyday I wake up and go outside I miss the way it greeted me every morning rubbing its body against mine. I had left the house, finished years of active duty military, and was in college when my mother called to say she was sick. Georgia-Ruth was only 9 years old and was so full of enthusiasm that people mistook her for a younger girl. Her life was so short and beautiful, and it felt very different to loose such a young dog than the bittersweet pain and beauty of watching a wise old companion pass away. She sometimes got three walks when her and I would take a nice evening walk after I got home from work. I kept adding to her collection, as did Grandma, who would show up with a new one from time to time. That was 13 years ago and they still have their dog. Thank you very much for your comment. We had a male sheltie we named Lambeau. I also was devastated just months before her diagnosis when my beloved husky boy died of a congential illness. Also, this essay was quite helpful to us:. We even adopted a sister for him about a year ago. She was like my daughter before I had children. A year or so later, we went to get a companion-dog for him. I have had the honor to be her Dad her whole life. Everywhere we went, we think of her, because we know we have taken her with us at that particular place. When we got home we placed his body in a grave we both dug for him. He did not fight being put up on the table. From that day on, every show we entered, she won the points. I bet you made every day he lived a happy one, though. This is the feeling of emptiness when there is no animal to come home to. Her death was worse to me than losing everything else. I think she deserved her latter days to get old someone to care for her and when it did get to be to much I knew. Moose has been great and waiting a long time was OK but there is nothing wrong with getting a new dog much sooner. It gave me the help and support I needed in a time of loss and vulnerability. I am still healing from losing my Stella black gsd dog. He licked my nose three times, bit my sun glasses, stuck his head under ear and went to sleep. She was our first child, having gotten her two years before our first child was born. Over 4 short days, I began bringing him his food, yesterday morning he would not eat even from my hand. I finished work to take maternity leave 2 months after bringing Balius home with us and had 2 months home together before being blessed with our beautiful daughter. My wife has incurable cancer, though luckily the prognosis is she will be around for many years yet, but as you can imagine, this devastated her and I had or have little time for self pity. And yes it could of been prevented IF the pizza delivery guy had closed the gate to the yard. It happened at 1250 today, in our garden, and she went in my arms looking up at the sky. Visit family or friends to get some unconditional love. There was never any question of cost, she was family. My wife and I were house sitting for my parents while they were out of town for a while. My Balius died in similar tragic circumstances and both my husband and I (and our whole family really) were so unprepared for his loss. She was only 5 and even though she was my constant companion, had lost 20 pounds in the months after the storm. In our family we had a pug named Oliver, who was unbelievably close with my grandfather. o. Very necessary to get some of his crazy energy out so that he curled up next to Gin rather than disturbing her work all day. Then Penny showed up at our house one day 3 years ago (90 pounds of love). We took to not letting all the dogs out at the same time or putting one on a chain and then they would stay home. Broken and lonely I got suckered by well meaning but totally dishonest people in to adopting a mess of a dog scheduled for euthanasia. He would have been terrified and in pain, and I let him down. The loss of Conan makes me think about the loss of my Dad in July of this year who you also wrote about. It has meant the world to us to know that other people know how much we loved him, and understand that this is a real loss. We fe